Monday, September 27, 2010

another fucking day at the office

nothing's alright until its truly alright. nothing's done until it can't be undone. darn it i'm so fucking pissed off today. don't get offended dear valued readers, i'm just having another bad day at the office. not literally office 'cuz i'm still studying. before you going to read this post, please bear in my this is not what i really am, this is what happen when you mix a very very unhappy person located far far away from civilization and the learning system that he/she has bound to follow. also, reader's discretion is very needed and hopefully none of you gonna label me as a total shithead.

to start things off, i woke up late today, darn it almost missed my class 'cuz nobody got a fucking courtesy to wake me up. but it's fine. still can go on with today's schedule. later in the morning, i went to the faculty office to send my particulars, hoping that i can't get out from this shithole. but my expectations were too high, fucking staying here maybe until next semester. i'm so pissed of knowing that shit. i mean, what the fuck???!!! you told me to send the particulars as soon as possible and then expect me to wait? why don't you just tell me earlier that i'm gonna be transferred the next fucking semester??!! curse you idiots, seriously you can go to hell. *i'm still have the soundness of my mind fellow readers, so don't worry*

this shit is totally uncool man. i was like, "hell man, to hell all of them, i'm going out from here this semester no matter what". then something struck me, oh boy i can't get my fucking fat ass out from here 'cuz i'm still the student of this place. SHIT and plus the dean won't let me. but to wait for the finals, i can bet that i won't be transferring, but instead i will be kicked out due to my fucking lame performance here. cannot blame them though. i know i'm the one who supposed to be blame. so what? i can;t adapt the situation here and no one even cares about me. i don't even have a "click" okay in here, so what do you expect from me? 

so people around me keep talking about i'm going to transfer. and in class the lecturers are starting to label me as "budak setan", 'cuz of not going into class and stuffs. whatta fuck la you guys, i'm busy taking care about my transfer and you are like banning me from going into class, saying i'm gonna fail my finals and this semester. if all of you don't stop talking bad about me in front of lecturers, how the hell i'm going to take my finals, its fucking impossible. the bad mouths, the gossips type and stuff. ok i'm going to leave, but it's not official yet right? don't fucking tell everyone i'm going to transfer officially. fuck i'm pissed. damn it i'm so fucked up i even can't concentrate in my class. keep thinking about things that should be settled long ago. as i recall, back then, there is no need to wait this long for transferring.why on earth they just let me take my finals at elsewhere? my reputation here is broken and there is only a lil bit of them to be repaired, damaged done not only by me, but also done by the people i called "friends". 

now i'm feeling like i'm in a very deep shit. i'm so gonna fucking fail my finals. maybe its because of me but it won't happened if they won't be so big-mouthed to the fellow lecturers. fuck all of them. my spirit is down so does my will. i've got nothing to gain yet so many to lose. the only thing i can do is to keep holding on and try my best from now onwards. yup words can be deceiving but remember guys, looks also can be deceiving as always. i'm totally down but not out. tomorrow still gonna be a important day for me. hoping not the same shits that happened to me earlier would be a cliche. 

i'm gonna stop for tonight 'cuz the feeling inside of me just can't be described by words. feeling is subjective so no matter how many thousand word is used to describe it, it would be in vain. till next time dear readers. XOXO

Sunday, September 26, 2010

the power of something called "LOVE"

hey there fellow faithful readers, although there seems to be less number of you, but in the future, it will grows! *hopefully*. on today's post, i'm going to write about a seemingly simple subject, yet very hard to interpret and vastly used in everyday basis. its LOVE

yup, L.O.V.E. very simple word that consist only four letters but possesses such high number or meaning (user discretion advised). different people has different meaning and use of this word yet, it picturised the same aim, to show a feeling of affection, caring and others. 

maybe you are wondering why i'm writing on this subject. well, to your knowledge, after i finished my class today, i watched a movie entitled CHARLIE ST. CLOUD.

for some of you who hasn't watch this story, i'll tell you a little bit about it (cannot talk too much, spoilers!!). its a story about a Charlie St. Cloud, played by Zac Efron *AWW!!* promised to play catch with his little brother, Sam, every time before he furthers his studies later on. but, on one fine day, they met an accident and only Charlie could be saved, thus killed Sam. after the accident, Charlie got some kind of special gift of seeing his late brother. because of the promise made, he forgets about his studies and works at a cemetery so that he can play with Sam. the conflict started when Charlie fell in love with a girl named Tess Caroll. slowly he began forgetting his promise to Sam. now he has to choose between the promise of a brother to his lil brother or the feeling of love towards Tess. 

seriously, watching this movie was like putting an onion in front of my eyes, damn it i can't help but to cry. not much but at least two or three drops. hahaha, but the point is, this movie talks about love in a very different way and makes me think again for a few times about love. does love possess such power to change a human being wholly? ok maybe the part Charlie saw his dead brother makes no sense, but when he falls in love with someone, he's a different man, not changing all-of-a-sudden, but slowly. 

its not just in the movie we can see the power of love, the miracle of it, sometimes, we can see in our daily life. love cherish us every moment we felt it and i can tell you, its good. love does feel good, to love someone and that someone loves you back, makes you feel on top of the world. yup, no words can describe the power of love, no actions can compare what love can bring. the first thing you hated someone so damn much and the next thing you know, you are kissing him/her passionately. believe me on this. i've tasted love before and thank god still tasting it. the sweetness of it, the pain of it, the hardship it brings, but its worthwhile when all of it gives out a uncomparable, fully-sincere smile from her. 

but of course, the is no love compared to the love from above. He is everything and know everything. its true from Him we come and to Him we returned. bear in mind its okay to love someone as much as you want, but don't you even dare to forget to love Him.

okay, im done writing. wow quite a long one i wrote today huh. but it was worthwhile. hahaha, till next time fellow readers. XOXO!!


god please tell me that this ain't real. tell me that all of these are lies. HAHAHA!! take that chelSHIT, arSENGAL. now ya know that there is a term called "LOSE" okay? to kick start the second posting of my blog i would like to talk about the most influential game played in the whole-wide-world, FOOTBALL. the most entertaining thing about football is not about the players actually, but to me is the SUPPORTERS. no no don't get me wrong, obviously I LOVE THE SUPPORTERS but sometime there are kinds of supporters that don't take the losing of their team kindly. 

come on lah guys, don't support a team when its only winning and later on boo them when they lose. typical englishmen. haishhh, i hate to say it but mostly people nowadays are like that. doesn't have any consistency or in islam term = istiqamah. damn it, always murtad team *that's my schoolmate words*.

ok enough football, lets talk serious (macam tadi tak serious). you wanna know something shocking i saw last night? (even if you don't want to, but still you keep reading so, what the heck), last night my university held a 'sambutan hari raya' thingy. me and my peeps planning to check it out. okay maybe it was kinda lame with the singing and dikir barat and stuffs. but it ain't over, the last part a screamer! wait for it, wait for it...

my vice chancellor play firecrackers (mercun) together with the students


wow he indirectly violates the most important rule of all in this blog. being SUPER..DUPER..COOL. hahaha he was like 'naik minyak' at one time by fighting with the students to see whose mercun sounds louder, damn you grandpa, please for god sake, GROW UP! good try though to look young again, almost got me

and a few hours ago i have to like "accompany" my friend to cyber cafe just to satisfy his need of playing left 4 dead (its a game where u virtually shoot infected-like-zombie people with limited ammo and just a few med kits to survive a whole painful and illogical stage. should try it though, makes you puke back what you eat for thanksgiving 7 years ago.

well, i think that's it, gonna head for pillow and bed now. gotta class to catch in the morning. toddles and XOXO!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

they way we roll? NO, the way I roll

suits the title well, haha i'm gonna brush up my writing skills by making up this blog. so a little bit excited and of course a little bit shy and mostly a lil bit SCARED coz obviously when my sisters know i'm writing a blog, they sure gonna put thousands of DELICIOUS sarcasms into my face. SERVES YOU RIGHT SMARTY PANTS.

the name is YOU AIN'T COOL, written in capital letter. for people that is kinda fast in catching up sarcasms and mocks, they'll sure know what that mean. hahaha, for those who aren't, its very simple my dear friends, i'm telling you from the bottom of my heart that YOU AIN'T COOL. no one does okay?

uhhh, can't write too many on my first post though, gotta save up for the next post, so, till next time faithful blog readers. XOXO

*damn its soo damn cool to imitate gossip girls*