Sunday, September 26, 2010


god please tell me that this ain't real. tell me that all of these are lies. HAHAHA!! take that chelSHIT, arSENGAL. now ya know that there is a term called "LOSE" okay? to kick start the second posting of my blog i would like to talk about the most influential game played in the whole-wide-world, FOOTBALL. the most entertaining thing about football is not about the players actually, but to me is the SUPPORTERS. no no don't get me wrong, obviously I LOVE THE SUPPORTERS but sometime there are kinds of supporters that don't take the losing of their team kindly. 

come on lah guys, don't support a team when its only winning and later on boo them when they lose. typical englishmen. haishhh, i hate to say it but mostly people nowadays are like that. doesn't have any consistency or in islam term = istiqamah. damn it, always murtad team *that's my schoolmate words*.

ok enough football, lets talk serious (macam tadi tak serious). you wanna know something shocking i saw last night? (even if you don't want to, but still you keep reading so, what the heck), last night my university held a 'sambutan hari raya' thingy. me and my peeps planning to check it out. okay maybe it was kinda lame with the singing and dikir barat and stuffs. but it ain't over, the last part a screamer! wait for it, wait for it...

my vice chancellor play firecrackers (mercun) together with the students


wow he indirectly violates the most important rule of all in this blog. being SUPER..DUPER..COOL. hahaha he was like 'naik minyak' at one time by fighting with the students to see whose mercun sounds louder, damn you grandpa, please for god sake, GROW UP! good try though to look young again, almost got me

and a few hours ago i have to like "accompany" my friend to cyber cafe just to satisfy his need of playing left 4 dead (its a game where u virtually shoot infected-like-zombie people with limited ammo and just a few med kits to survive a whole painful and illogical stage. should try it though, makes you puke back what you eat for thanksgiving 7 years ago.

well, i think that's it, gonna head for pillow and bed now. gotta class to catch in the morning. toddles and XOXO!

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