Monday, November 1, 2010

really hoping i am THAT GUY

this thing ain't dead yet you know. 

i was thinking to stop writing for good and gonna start it back maybe after my finals, but come to think of it, i gotta write down now as i already broke down my obligations as a blog writer. the mood all of a sudden came rushing towards me after watching this one movie. maybe in my beloved country Malaysia, it is still not showing yet, but i somehow got to watch it online thanks to the help of few of my good friends, unlimited internet access and super fast connection. the film is called, The Social Networking. for some of you maybe know what its all about, for some, let me clear it up to you guys, the film is based on the hottest thing in this world right now, FACEBOOK. 

yup, you guys can snap my dick off if you can find one teenager that doesn't have a facebook, unless he's gay, loser, and doesn't seem to give any damn about the world. maybe for some people, stories that had been made to movies may got some flaws in them, but to be honest, there must be a cover up. you just can put real stories that offended some sides in a movie, 'cuz maybe you might get sued or something. 

im not condemning facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg for being an direct asshole and fuck-face to his friends that are also the co-creators of facebook, but i spiritually worship him, if not because of his genius idea of bringing up facebook, there will be no facebook. though it is quite impossible for him to set up facebook on his own without his friend's help, credits must be given to him for inventing something that i could say, the hottest thing in human modern lives.

maybe i'm being over-exxagerating, but seriously people, until today, there are currently 500 MILLION people that is using facebook in 207 countries worldwide. and don't be surprised if the number keep expanding due to over-whelming support from all walks of life towards the facebook. 

maybe i have not scribbled on my blog for a long time, but i am really hoping i don't lose my edge yet. yes practice makes perfect but nobody's perfect, and with practice alone and no talent and knowledge included, i might be as well as another guys trying to impress girls by writing a super duper cool blog in foreign language with bilingual dictionary on the side and also google translator on the next tab. until next time people.

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