Thursday, October 7, 2010

Never Enough, SERIOUSLY

he is cool, his kinda tough, but not too much muscle on him, very kind to people around him, easy to get along. a malaysian heartthrob to many people. okay enough 'bout me. HAHA. hey guys, welcome again to another exciting and heart pumping reading of my blog tonight. yeah, i know what i write above is so WRONG but at least i successfully made some of you laugh right??

man, serious shit i'm telling all of who are reading this to check your yahoo messenger contact list. i'm serious. shit happens right and that shit happens to pick someone like me to get it. curse you unreliable firewall. almost got my beloved lappy to its final moments in this world. at first i thought she's kinda like a girl from america or something that want to have a dirty chat with me*no offense yah for some of you*. i was wandering where the heck she got my yahoo id. but at that time, WHO THE HELL CARES, i'm going to have free entertainment so might as well follow the flow. how wrong could i be at that time. my lappy was like a 20-years-old back in the past. TOO MANY LAGGING. shit, the good part was very near. arghhhh. thank god for my brilliance in technology nowadays quickly shut down my lappy and realized actually, the bitch i'm trying to have a happy time with was hacking my goddamn lappy's system. fuck her. so guys, lesson learned, the bitch is gone and i've warned all of you. good luck though. 

next up, i'm seriously addicted to something right now. no no, not that shit stupid, i don't do weed or stuffs like that*hehe*, one word. S.L.O.W.B.R.O.  yup you heard me, slowbro man. first i heard from my sister's bf, Ariff. he wrote on his status on Facebook about this magical stuff. damn Ariff was so goddamn funny. and i totally agree with his words. SLOWBRO WAS CHILL AS FUCK. slow plus bro. best describing me. i'm a bro, and i'm slow in doing things, so what, im chill as fuck man. HAHAHA. damn it, still can't get it outta my freaking head, that statement been fucking with my mind all week long you know. 

*if some of you don't know what is slowbro, here's a picture of it*


guess that's all fer tonight peeps. although it's holiday here tomorrow, but still gotta wake up early, wanna eat delicious roti canai. emmm yummy yummy. do drop your feedbacks and i'll respond to it in my next post. and btw, izzah. damn you.

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