Monday, December 20, 2010

that is WHACK

since it was raining here in my neighborhood and also most of the place in my beloved country,  its hard to carry out most of the activities i usually done with sunshine above my head. and the normality of human is very simple, human will never be satisfied with what they have, always aiming for more and for most, never be thankful of what they currently have. this is the kind that most of people nowadays are. if he has a honda civic, he will surely aim for a Lamborghini, and later on when he got a Lamborghini, he wants a Ferrari, so on and so forth. the basic human behavior. for a normal observation done, this may be called as greed. but from a more depth observation, this is more to the useful way to be a very hardworking. being greed is not wrong. but they way one achieve what he wants determine whether it is wrong or right. obviously there is no such thing as easy road to achieve something rather than experiencing the hardship of getting something. hardship suffered in the way of achieving something makes a person treasure the accomplishment. and vice versa, if one use a easier way to get something, then surely, he wont be treasuring it to the fullest. for me, i do get satisfied easily, and that is my biggest weakness. i tend to satisfy on anything as long as it is easy in my eyes. for that, may consume myself in the future.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Chernobyl 1986

i hope i still have the tendency and the skills to write. most importantly writing this blog with heart scared wide open. imagine putting salt on a fresh wound, and yes, that is what my heart is experiencing right now. words can't be used to describe feelings of any kind but certainly can be used to channel it for public viewing.

what is the most fundamental thing in relationships? anyone can answer me PRECISELY? as i thought, nobody can. its impossible as different people has different point of view. but for me, the most important is TRUST. yes. trusting each other is important. i'm not writing because i got some trust issues between my peeps around me but, nowadays, trust has become some of the elements that has been taken lightly. its easy to lose trust but it fucking hard to gain it back. under trust also there are understanding. yes some may classify understanding and trust in their own classification but for me both of them are well-connected. human or in the science term is homo-sapiens, as stated by the religion, is a very unique creation. one-of-a-kind creation to be precise. it is so special till the satan was told to bow before him. human learn from mistakes they make. and tend not to follow it and make a future reference out of it. chinese saying once stated that one can lead a horse to the water, but twenty cannot make it drink. not comparing human to horses but the principle is the same, both horse and human got feelings and can think. no relationship can survive without understanding and trust laying side by side. trust solely won't hold up a relationship for 24 years like my parents did. i cried when i finally get to see the beauty if their relationship. trust your partners in everything they do, and with trust, comes understanding. every human being isn't perfect. no matter how hard one try to be, but still there are loopholes in it. so do i. i can't be perfect, but i'm always trying to be the best in what i can be. yes sometimes we can't always have the things we planned it to be. i always thought the saying of my teacher back then, he said, life is hard and painful, but there is another word that is a lot more hard and goddamn more painful, and it also starts with a the letter "L". the sentence is easy to be said, but does it bring any meaning when being said? it only got 3 words in it, but does the promises made after that three words can be fulfilled? ain't love grand? it makes trust and understanding worthless though both of them is the essentials of it. 

im done writing, away for smoking